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【2025/03/15 00:36 】 |

Großes Display
Mit einer Bildschirmdiagonale von 12,1 Zoll ist der ASUS Eee PC 1201HA für diese VGP-BPS2C Geräteklasse üppig ausgestattet. Das Display lässt sich mit einer maximalen Auflösung von 1.366 x 768 (WXGA) Bildpunkten betreiben. Der glänzende Akku Sony VGP-BPS13/S Bildschirm verfügt außerdem über eine energieschonende LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung. Der Grafikprozessor ist im Chipsatz des Minirechners Akku Sony VGP-BPS13S integriert.

Viel Ausstattung
Die Kombination aus einer Webcam, die mit einer Auflösung von 0,3 Megapixeln arbeitet, integriertem Mikrofon und VGP-BPS13B/S Stereolautsprechnern machen den ASUS Eee PC 1201HA zum optimalen Gerät für Videokonferenzen und Internet-Telefonate. Die nötige Netzwerkanbindung Akku Sony VGP-BPS13AS kann wahlweise kabelgebunden per 10/100-Ethernet oder drahtlos nach den Standards 802.11 a/b/g/n hergestellt werden. Externe Akku ProBook 4515S Hardware kann unkompliziert über drei USB-2.0-Schnittstellen mit dem Minirechner verbunden werden.

Viel Display
Allemal ungewöhnlich im Netbook-Segment ist das 12,1 Zoll große Display des ASUS Eee PC 1201N. Auf so viel Fläche lässt Akku ProBook 4510S sich dann auch eine vergleichsweise hohe Auflösung von 1.366 x 768 ( WXGA ) Bildpunkten realisieren. Außerdem verfügt das Akku Dell Studio XPS 16 glänzende Display über eine energiesparende LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung. Bei der Grafik setzt ASUS auf die ION-Technik von Nvidia. akku Dell latitude xt2 Wenn der kompakte Rechner stationär eingesetzt werden soll, kann das Bildschirmsignal komfortabel über den VGA-Ausgang auf einen externen Monitor oder per HDMI-Schnittstelle auf einen Flachbild-Fernseher umgeleitet Dell latitude 2100 akku werden.

Super Ausstattung
Auch die Ausstattungsliste des ASUS Eee PC 1201N kann sich akku Dell e5400 sehen lassen. Im Netzwerk ist der Minirechner nach dem aktuell schnellsten Standard 802.11a/b/g/n unterwegs. Bei Bedarf ist die Verbindung auch kabelgebunden per 10/100 Ethernet möglich. Drei USB-2.0-Schnittstellen erlauben die schnelle Akku Dell E6400 Verbindung mit externer Hardware, während sich über einen Slot alle gängigen Speicherkarten-Formate einlesen lassen. Die verbaute Webcam akku VGP-BPS2A arbeitet mit einer Auflösung von 0,3 Megapixeln und bietet über das integrierte Mikrofon des ASUS Eee PC 1201N eine einfache Möglichkeit, um an akku sony VGP-BPS2 Videokonferenzen oder Internet-Telefonaten teilzunehmen.

Hohe Mobilität
Mit Gehäuse-Abmessungen von 296 x 208 x 27,3/33,3 mm ist der ASUS Eee PC 1201HA Sony VGP-BPS2B Akku sehr mobil und bei einem Gewicht von 1,38 Kilo leicht zu transportieren.

Der ASUS Eee PC 1201N ist eigentlich als Netbook PA3534U-1BRS konzipiert, erweist sich aber rein äußerlich schon fast als komplettes Notebook. Das liegt vor allem an dem mit 12,1 Zoll üppig bemessenem Bildschirm. Dennoch setzt der Minirechner auf Intels Atom-hp pavilion dv2000 akku Prozessor.

Solide Leistung
Rechen-Power bezieht der ASUS Eee PC hp pavilion dv6000 akku 1201N aus einem Intel Atom Prozessor N330, der mit einer Taktfrequenz von 1,6 GHz arbeitet. Ebenfalls üppig für die Geräteklasse ist die Arbeitsspeicherausstattung von 2.048 GB DDR2 SDRAM, die bei Bedarf auf 8.192 MB ausgebaut werden kann. hp pavilion dv9000 akku Daten finden auf einer 250 GB großen Festplatte Platz.

Gute Leistung
Beim Prozessor bricht der Eee PC 1201PN nicht aus den für Netbooks typischen Akku Lenovo X201 Kategorien aus. ASUS spendiert dem Minirechner mit einer Intel Atom N450-CPU aber die aktuell verfügbare Bestausstattung. Die Akku Sony VGP-BPS22A Zentraleinheit liefert einen Takt von 1,66 GHz, verfügt über 512 KB L2-Cache und bietet einen 667 MHz schnellen Frontsidebus. 2.048 MB Arbeitsspeicher sind ab Werk verbaut und markieren auch gleichzeitig die Maximalausstattung. Für die Lenovo x300 akku Speicherung von Daten stellt ASUS im Eee PC 1201PN eine SATA-Festplatte mit einer Speicherkapazität von 250 GB zur akku Lenovo thinkpad t61 Verfügung.

Viel Ausstattung
Auch die Ausstattungsliste des ASUS Eee PC 1201PN kann überzeugen: Am und im Gehäuse Akku HP Compaq 6830S finden sich drei USB-2.0-Schnittstellen für den Anschluss externer Hardware, ein 10/100 Ethernet-Port für den Zugang zum kabelgebundenen akku Dell latitude d830 Netzwerk und schneller Datenfunk nach den Standards 802.11 b/g/n für den Zugriff auf das Internet. Kleiner Wermutstropfen: Die Funktechnik Bluetooth befindet sich nicht im Gehäuse des Akku Thinkpad X200 Minirechners.

Die meisten Netbooks setzen auf die typische Ausstattungsliste und bieten bestenfalls ein HP Compaq 8510P Akku oder zwei technische Highlights. Der Eee PC 1201PN von ASUS ist da anders: Er kommt mit einer ganzen Liste von Features, die akku t61p überzeugen können – allerdings auch mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Preis.

Großes Display
Im Netbook-Sektor ist eine Bildschirmdiagonale von 12,1 Zoll durchaus als üppig zu bezeichnen, weil sie das Display schon in die akku inspiron 1525 Nähe eines kleinen Subnotebooks rückt. Der Bildschirm glänzt und ist mit einer energiesparenden LED-Hintergrundbeleuchtung ausgestattet. akku Dell gd761 Maximal arbeitet das Display mit WXGA-Auflösung bei 1.366 x 768 Bildpunkten. Ausgestattet ist der Minirechner außerdem mit Nvidias Akku Dell Latitude D520 Grafik-Chip ION 2, der das Netbook durchaus für HD-Videos, Multimedia-Anwendungen und einfache Spiele qualifiziert. Als praktisch erweist sich auch der HDMI-Port des Netbooks über den das Bildschirmsignal im stationären Einsatz in Akku D430 bester digitaler Qualität an einen Flachbild-Fernseher weitergeleitet werden kann. Ein VGA-Anschluss für den Zugang zu einem Monitor ist ebenfalls Akku Dell D420 vorhanden.

Schickes Design
Die Minirechner der Eee PC 1015P-Serie kommen Akku Lenovo X61 wahlweise mit einer Soft-Touch-Oberfläche, die sich als besonders resistent gegen Fingerabdrücke erweist oder in einem kratzfesten, glänzenden Gehäuse. Neben schlichtem Schwarz und Weiß sind die kompakten Rechner auch in mehreren Akku PA3450U-1BRS knalligen Farben erhältlich.

Hohe Mobilität
Die Kaufentscheidung für ein Netbook fällt meist aufgrund der hohen Mobilität. Hier können die akku cq50 Minirechner der Eee PC 1015P-Serie durch eine üppige mobile Laufzeit von bis zu elf Stunden ohne Netzstecker überzeugen, die aus einem 6-Akku Sony VGP-BPS22 Zellen-Lithium-Ionen-Akku bezogen wird. Die Abmessungen des Gehäuses betragen 262 x 178 x 25,7 mm. So ist der Rechner auch im Reisegepäck kompakt zu verstauen.

Mit den Modellen der Eee PC 1015P-Serie erweitert ASUS sein Angebot um neue farbenfrohe Netbooks mit einem akku r60 10,1 Zoll großen Bildschirm. Die Minirechner bieten die in diesem Bereich typische Ausstattung und überzeugen durch Vielfalt beim Design und eine üppige akku thinkpad t40 mobile Laufzeit.

Solide Leistung
Die Leistungsdaten der Eee PC 1015P-Modelle sind Akku HP Compaq NX7300 typisch für das Netbook-Segment. Als Prozessor kommt eine Intel Atom N450-Zentraleinheit zum Einsatz. Die CPU bietet eine Taktung von 1,66 GHz und verfügt über knappe 512 kb L2-Cache. 1.024 MB DDR2-Arbeitsspeicher sind im akku Dell d630 Lieferzustand bereit verbaut. Bei Bedarf lässt sich die Speicherausstattung nachträglich maximal verdoppeln. Die SATA-Festplatte des Minirechners bietet ein akku dell 1520 Fassungsvermögen von 160 GB. Als Betriebssystem kommt auf dem ASUS Eee PC 1015P Microsoft Windows 7 Starter Edition zum akku inspiron 1545 Einsatz.

Asus bietet mit dem Eee PC 1015T einen Minirechner mit einem 10,1-Zoll-Bildschirm an, der akku m1530 anstelle des weit verbreiteten Intel Atom-Prozessors mit einer Zentraleinheit von AMD ausgestattet ist.

Mit dem Modell Eee PC 1201HA setzt ASUS bei der Akku Dell Inspiron 9400 Display-Größe von Netbook neue Maßstäbe, denn der Rechner bietet eine Bildschirmdiagonale von 12 Zoll und sorgt so für wesentlich mehr Übersicht. Trotzdem ist es den Entwicklern gelungen, den Minirechner extrem mobil zu HP Pavilion DV4 Akku konstruieren.

Gute Leistung
Im Gehäuse des Eee PC 1201HA verrichtet ein Intel Atom Z520-Prozessor seine Arbeit und Akku HP DV6 geht dabei mit einer Taktfrequenz von 1,33 GHz ans Werk. Der CPU stehen 512 kb L2-Cache und ein 533 MHz schneller Frontsidebus Acer Aspire 5710G Akku zur Verfügung. Auch bei der Arbeitsspeicher-Ausstattung setzt sich der Minirechner von der üblichen Netbook-Ausstattung ab, denn ASUS spendiert dem Eee PC 1201HA zwei GB DDR2-SDRAM. Die Speicherkapazität der verbauten SATA-Festplatte Acer Aspire 5710 Akku ist mit 250 GB zeitgemäß und bietet so genügend Speicherplatz, um neben Betriebssystem und Programmen auch reichlich Daten und Akku Acer Aspire 6920 Multimedia-Dateien, wie Fotos, Videos und Musik unterzubringen. Außerdem bietet ASUS mit dem Rechner 500 GB Speicherplatz Acer Aspire 7730ZG Akku im Internet an, die für ein Jahr kostenlos genutzt werden können.

Viel Ausstattung
Gerade bei kompakten Netbooks muss der Nutzer häufig technische Abstriche bei der Ausstattung machen. Hier ist der Eee Acer Aspire 7730G Akku PC 1015T eine positive Ausnahme. Der Rechner kann über drei USB 2.0-Schnittstellen zu externer Hardware, wie Drucker, Scanner, Speichermedien Akku Acer Aspire 7730Z & Co. Kontakt aufnehmen. Das Multikartenlesegerät verarbeitet die Formate MMC, SD (SDHC). Die Kombination aus einer Webcam, die mit einer Auflösung von 0,3 Dell Notebook Akku Megapixeln arbeitet und einem Mikrofon sorgt dafür, dass der Nutzer auch unterwegs bequem über Videotelefonate kommunizieren kann. Der drahtlose Funkverkehr im Netzwerk läuft nach dem schnellen WLAN 802.11 b/g/n-Standard ab. akku Außerdem ist ein Bluetooth-Modul der aktuellen Generation 3.0 an Bord.

Gute Leistung
Im Gehäuse des Eee PC 1015T HP/Compaq Laptop Akku verbaut Asus einen AMD V105-Prozessor, der Prozessen mit Unterstützung von einem GB DDR3-Arbeitsspeicher entgegentreten kann. Das Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows 7 Starter findet mit Programmen und Nutzerdaten auf einer SATA-Festplatte mit einem Acer Notebook Akku Fassungsvermögen von 250 GB Platz.

Hohe Mobilität
Asus stattet den Eee PC 1015T mit einem 6-Zellen-Lithium-Ionen-Akku aus, der den Lenovo/IBM Notebook Akku echner auf Reisen auch ohne Netzstecker bis zu sechs Stunden am Laufen hält. Wird das Netbook in die Notebooktasche geschoben, trägt Sony Notebook Akkus es mit einer Gehäusehöhe von 36,4 mm nur mäßig auf. Das Gesamtgewicht von Hardware und Akku liegt bei 1.250 Gramm.

【2011/01/10 13:25 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()

After playing a Hulu video at full screen for 15 minutes, the touchpad on the 532h VGP-BPS22A registered 92 degrees Fahrenheit, the space between the G and H keys was 91 degrees, and the middle of the underside reached 97 degrees. While we VGP-BPS13 don’t consider any this heat to be troublesome, the temperature of 110 degrees in the left front corner was a cause for concern.

The 532h is a bit of a departure from Acer’s previous 10.1-inch netbooks, the Aspire One D150 and D250. In fact, it looks more VGP-BPS9/S like Acer’s 11.6-inch netbook, the Aspire One 751h. Instead of a solid color, the lid of the Onyx Blue 532h fades from a dark metallic blue to black. VGP-BPS13A/B Other color options included Garnet Red and Silver Matrix. This treatment makes the netbook look much more refined. However, the glossy VGP-BPS13A/S finish, which is also found beneath the keyboard, picks up fingerprints quickly. There’s now a lot less room at the top of the deck; the keyboard is shoved right up to the top, and the power button is crammed in VGP-BPS9A/B by the left hinge.

If you're going to shell out $399 for a netbook, it has to VGP-BPS9 be special. The Samsung NF310 makes the case for its premium price with a futuristic-chic design, a dual-core Atom processor, and a high-resolution display (1366 x 768) for a 10-inch screen. While this mini laptop doesn't offer the longest battery life, it's VGP-BPS9/B an excellent choice.

The NF310 is a bold departure from your traditional netbook. With the charcoal gray lid VGP-BPS22 closed, you can see the outline of a wave along the sides. Once open, the curve creates a shallow well on the silver deck where the keyboard sits. VGP-BPS8 This bump makes the 1.2-inch thick system a little bulky, but the rounded corners and tapered edges help give the NF310 an air of sleekness. The chunkier back half and slightly jutting battery make the 2.8-pound netbook comfortable to carry one-VGP-BPS8A handed.

The lid gives off a metallic impression, but the plastic coating collects smudges easily and leaves VGP-BPS2 it looking messy. We wish Samsung would offer more color options. Underneath the lid, a glossy plastic bezel with a dotted pattern surrounds the VGP-BPS2A display. The pattern is cool, but the bezel is a bit larger than we'd like.

Keyboard and Touchpad
Instead of a traditional keyboard as on its older netbooks, the 532h has Acer’s FineTip keyboard, which is completely VGP-BPS2B flat on top, and has a slight space between each key. Also, it’s larger than when compared to older netbooks: whereas on the D250 there was approximately half an VGP-BPS2C inch of space on either side of the keyboard, on the 532h there’s less than a quarter of an inch unused. While it looks identical to the layout on the VGP-BPS13A/Q 11.6-inch 751h, the 532’s keyboard is smaller and the keys have a shallow pitch to them, which made typing somewhat more difficult. We much prefer the keyboards on the ASUS Eee PC 1005PE-P (Seashell) and the Toshiba mini NB305, VGP-BPS13A/B which have island-style layouts and more space between the keys.

We’re also pleased to see that the touchpad on the 532h is much larger than on previous VGP-BPS13/B Acer netbooks. At 2.6 x 1.4 inches, it’s positively spacious compared to the previous generation—though still not as large as that on the VGP-BPS13B/B Toshiba mini NB305. The multitouch-enabled touchpad is covered with a number of tiny dots that distinguish it from the glossy deck, making it practically friction-free. While we wish the metallic blue mouse button beneath was split into two, it’s sufficiently VGP-BPS13B/Q large and has a nice response.

Student-focused mini laptops are what started the netbook category back in 2007. The dream VGP-BPS13/Q of low-cost, durable machines for kids in the U.S. as well as emerging markets isn't dead, and HP's newest offering embodies both goals. The VGP-BPS21A/B sub-$300 HP Mini 100e won't be available to consumers in the U.S., only to school systems, but for those lucky students it offers decent performance and long battery life for a good price. Is it a better choice than other student-focused offerings VGP-BPS21/S or inexpensive mass-market models?

This 10.9 x 9.9 x 1.6-inch, 3.4-pound unit is thicker and heavier than the average netbook, VGP-BPS21 though sleek and slim isn't necessarily a virtue in the student-focused netbook arena. The overall design employs rounded curves and a durable, VGP-BPS21A white matte plastic chassis. The lid is plain except for a small, tasteful HP logo and a small LED light near the top that activates when the system is connected to the Internet; this feature helps teachers monitor network usage. Even though it is thick, the 100e VGP-BPS21B doesn't feel bulky or look clunky. HP achieves an attractive and elegant (if plain) aura.

Keyboard and Touchpad
The island-style keys are a good size and should be comfortable for both students good battery and their parents. HP kept the keyboard as similar as possible to traditional netbooks, including key placement along the edges. The Shift, ALT, dell akku CTRL, and Fn keys are all in their normal positions, so kids learning to type won't have to make any strange adjustments when they move to full-size keyboards. We appreciated the small LEDs embedded in the Caps Lock, F11/Volume Mute, and F12/Wi-Fi keys acer akku that indicate when they're active.

Our only issue with the keys is that they sometimes required more deliberate taps apple akku than touch typists are used to. Every now and then a letter or two was dropped while typing at our normal rate. However, this would likely be beneficial to ibm akku students learning to type, as it would encourage accuracy before speed.

The roomy 2.5 x 1.5-inch touchpad employs raised dots reminiscent of ASUS Eee PC Seashell models to help with tracking. hp akku But the surface on the 100e is softer, so while the effect is the same, the tactile sensation isn't as harsh as on the Eee PC. The two discrete mouse sony akku buttons along the bottom could be bigger but are about the right size for small fingers, and they offered snappy return.

What's more important is how well it can stand asus akku up to rigorous use and abuse by kids who perhaps haven't yet learned how to take care of expensive electronics. To that end, HP has included some features to mitigate damage, such as a spill-resistant keyboard and a large carrying handle to lower the risk of dropping it. fujitsu akku Other options include a hard drive accelerometer, which will park the needle if it senses a sudden toshiba akku tumble.

Though the netbook does exude sturdiness, we prefer the overall design of the extra-kid proof acer laptop akku CTL 2go Convertible Classmate PC NL2. The CTL 2go netbook includes rubberized coating on the outside, reinforced edges, a scratch-apple laptop akku resistant display, and an anti-microbial coating on the keyboard and touchpad.

One benefit of the Atom processor inside the 100e is that it keeps temperatures down. To test this, we played a Hulu clip at imb laptop akku full screen for 15 minutes, then measured three key areas of the netbook. The touchpad reached only 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the space between the G and H hp laptop akku keys measured 84 degrees F, and the middle of the underside stayed a relatively cool 89 degrees. Each of these is at or below the acceptable temperature sony laptop akku zone, so parents won't have to worry about letting kids use these netbooks on their laps for long periods.

Ports and Webcam
Most of the ports found on the 100e are typical for any netbook--VGA, Ethernet, memory card, headphone, and mic--with two asus laptop akku notable differences. First, there are only two USB 2.0 ports, while most systems have three. It leaves room for what many would consider an anachronistic fujitsu laptop akku addition: a modem port. HP included this port for students who may not have Internet or high-speed broadband access at home. This toshiba laptop akku way, they can still connect via a dial-up ISP, or dial in to the school's servers to download assignments. The 100e also includes a lock slot so they can be kept secure in the classroom dell laptop akku environment.

The integrated VGA webcam produced decent images, but they tended to be dark in rooms acer notebook akku with bright fluorescent lights overhead. It captures colors fairly well when the backlight doesn't overwhelm, and we had to move pretty quickly apple notebook akku to start seeing blurriness in video. However, we wish that the 100e employed a swivel for the webcam similar to the CTL 2go PC NL2 so that students had a wider range of shots available to ibm notebook akku them.

The Mini 100e's 10.1-inch, 1024 x 600 matte display has extremely wide horizontal and vertical hp notebook akku viewing angles, so a small group of students should be able to share a screen without encountering distortion or obfuscation. The netbook sony notebook akku handled a 720p trailer for "The Discoverers" without dropping frames. Not only are colors nice and deep, but the netbook handled languid motion and transitions from light to dark asus notebook akku well.

The audio quality isn't powerful, but given the small speakers on the front edge of the system, this is fujitsu notebook akku no surprise. While watching an episode of "The Closer" on TNT.tv (where the audio tends to be softer, just as with Hulu) we had to toshiba notebook akku turn the volume up to 100 percent and still had a hard time hearing softer scenes over the air conditioner on low in the background.

Like other netbook makers, Acer is refreshing its line with the new Intel Atom N450 processor (Pine Trail), which promises dell notebook akku similar performance but greater endurance. Also like its competitors, Acer has tweaked the design, adding a keyboard with the same style as its larger acer battery notebooks and trimming down the chassis. But most significantly, it’s also trimmed the price: though our review model came in at $349, the apple battery Aspire One 532h starts at $299, a hundred bucks less than competing brands. But does price trump all, even in the commodified netbook market?

Like the Toshiba mini NB305-N410, Acer saw fit to change the design of the six-cell battery on the 532h. No longer does it jut ibm battery out the back; it’s now tucked in underneath, shaving three quarters of an inch off the footprint. The area beneath the display and between the hinges has a hp battery sharp edge as opposed to the smoother curves of the D250. At 10.2 x 7.3 x 1.0 inches and 2.8 pounds, the 532h is about the same size, shape, and weight sony battery as most 10-inch netbooks.

【2011/01/10 13:21 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
hp compaq nx7300 battery,hp compaq nx7300 battery

They don’t have model numbers yet, but while at Sony’s CES booth we got some VGP-BPS13 time to lay our fingers on two new design concepts that couldn’t be more different. Both of these laptops will have second generation Core VGP-BPS9/S processors and launch sometime this year.

Within the demo, a 2-to-3 pound metal weight was mercilessly dropped onto a sheet of Gorilla Glass measuring a mere 0.03 vgp-bps13/b inch (0 .7mm) thick. According to Corning this simulates a fall of approximately 6 feet onto unforgiving concrete. Low and behold, the sheet of glass repeatedly VGP-BPS13A/B survived the impact. Gorilla Glass also is scratch resistant, great for those who stuff phones in key-laden pockets. Check out a quick VGP-BPS9 video of the demo below

The 2011 Consumer Electronics Show will go down as the year that mobile took over. No one was talking VGP-BPS9/B about who had the biggest HDTV. It was all about tablets (and more tablets), as well as superphones so powerful that they can literally VGP-BPS9A/B double as laptops. There was innovation on that front too, thanks to AMD and Intel's new platforms that combine the CPU

Keyboard and Touchpad
Like most other notebooks in HP's lineup, the dm1 has a chiclet-style keyboard that extends nearly to the edges of the chassis. Though the keys vgp-bps8 don't have as much travel as, say, the Envy 17, it was still a pleasure to type this review on the laptop. We were up to our usual typing rate in no time. vgp-bps13b/q HP thoughtfully reversed the function row keys; you don't have to press FN to adjust the volume or vgp-bps13a/q brightness.

Just because the once-hot netbook category is getting pushed aside by tablets, that doesn't mean consumers don't want a low-cost ultraportable vgp-bps13/b that performs. And that's what HP has delivered with the new Pavilion dm1, an 11-inch notebook featuring AMD's new Fusion processor. vgp-bps13/q Starting at $449 ($479 as configured), this 3.4-pound machine blows past Atom-based netbooks while providing enough endurance to see you VGP-BPS10 through the day. Add to that a stylish design, excellent audio, and a comfy keyboard, and you've got a superior take-anywhere laptop.

and graphics on a single chip. Our 11 Best of CES Award Winners represent the most innovative products among dozens we saw at the VGP-BPS2A show, from dual-core handsets and 3D camcorders to Android in your car.

How do you improve upon one of the word's fastest notebooks? If you're Dell, you update VGP-BPS2C your popular Alienware M17x gaming rig with the latest Sandy Bridge CPUs and Nvidia GTX 460 graphics and then you do something really VGP-BPS2 radical: enable wireless streaming of games from the notebook to an HDTV--without any lag. With its built-in Wireless HD card option, the M17x is the first notebook that's able to stream the hottest titles from your lap to the VGP-BPS2B big screen

Svelte, sturdy, and ultra-bright, the Samsung 9 Series is an ultraportable laptop that you'll PA3534U-1BRS want to be seen carrying. Made of aircraft-grade Duralumin, this 2.9-pound notebook (starting at $1,599) raises the bar for beauty and VGP-BPS22 performance. The 9 Series boasts a SuperBright Plus display that's 40 percent brighter than the competition, a second-generation Core i5 processor, and a 128GB SSD that boots Windows 7 in 20 seconds. Add in 6.5 hours of battery life and a backlit keyboard (a feature VGP-BPS22A the 13-inch MacBook Air lacks) and you have one of the most exciting lightweight notebooks yet.
Despite its small size, the dm1 is one of the coolest notebooks we've yet tested. Employing HP's vgp-bps21a/b CoolSense technology--first seen on the dm3t--the dm1 has HP's Thermal Assistant software, which automatically adjusts the fan speed vgp-bps21 if it senses the notebook is on a person's lap or on a table. After streaming a Hulu video at full screen for 15 minutes, the touchpad, G and H keys, and underside measured 76, 78, and 77 degrees, respectively. However, fan noise was noticeable in a quiet room, vgp-bps21b and we could feel it whirring when we had our hands on the palm rests.

Similar in design to the Pavilion dm3t, the Pavilion dm1 is easily one of the most attractive 11-inch vgp-bps21/s systems on the market. The glossy black lid features HP's new Grid Imprint design, which looks attractive, but fingerprint smudges are still visible. The vgp-bps21a underside is also a glossy black; we prefer the rubberized finish of the dm3t, but that notebook has a higher starting price.

Inside, the dm1's black island-style keyboard and clickpad are offset by a silver deck and bezel; it's understated yet stylish. Lenovo 3000 v100 battery Measuring 11.4 x 8.4 x 0.8 x 1.2 inches and weighing 3.4 pounds, the dm1 is nearly the same size and weight as the Asus Eee PC 1215N. As Lenovo 3000 v200 battery with that supersized netbook, the dm1 fits easily into a messenger bag, and while noticeable, it didn't weigh us down.

With each generation, 12-inch Ion netbooks are edging closer to Lenovo 3000 n100 battery their Pinocchio-like aspirations of becoming real notebooks. The ASUS Eee PC 1215N comes the closest yet to that ideal of a sub-$500 machine that performs like systems that cost more--yet lasts even longer on a charge. That's because it's IBM thinkpad X60S battery packed with a dual-core Atom processor and Nvidia's Optimus graphics-switching technology. Not only that, the 1215N features an Lenovo thinkpad x60 battery improved design that makes it more comfortable to use for extended periods of time. Power and portability in an inexpensive package? IBM thinkpad r60e battery Wish no longer.

The 1215N looks very similar to the 1201PN (and the 1201N, for that matter) but comes with some welcome Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery enhancements. The laptop is slightly heavier than previous iterations, at 3.4 pounds (compared to 3.2 for the 1201PN), but remains Lenovo thinkpad t60p battery very easy to carry. Gone is the glossy black exterior; the 1215N has a matte finish that doesn't pick up fingerprints as easily as its Lenovo thinkpad t60 battery predecessor--but you'll still notice them after a few days of use. Chrome accents are also sparse: The power button, mouse bar, and two strips outlining the touchpad are the only metallic trim on this handsome Lenovo thinkpad t61 battery machine.

Like the 1201PN, the left side of the 1215N houses a VGA port, tiny AC adapter jack, Lenovo thinkpad t500 battery HDMI output, and a USB 2.0 port, as well as a memory card slot (the latter was formerly on the right side). On the right are two more Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad T410 Battery USB ports, headphone and mic jacks, an Ethernet port, and a Kensington Lock slot.

Also like the Envy line, the dm1's mouse buttons are integrated into the touchpad. This makes the overall size Lenovo thinkpad t400 battery (3.3 x 2 inches) the same as the Eee PC 1215N, but that netbook has discrete buttons, making its touchpad feel Lenovo thinkpad r61 battery much more spacious. In this case, though, HP integrated a small ridge to help define the two areas. Those who use two hands on a touchpad may find that the cursor jumps every now and then, but overall it works fairly well Lenovo x200 battery for this type of design.

Ports and Webcam
On the left side of the dm1 is an HDMI and a USB port. On the right are two more USB Lenovo x300 battery ports, VGA, a headphone/mic combo, and an SD card reader.

I swung by the Augen booth at CES this year because I Lenovo r50e battery wanted to take a look at the new tablets they announced for the show. Given how we felt about the Gentouch78 — the infamous $150 KMart tablet — I wasn’t prepared to be impressed. However, after meeting with the company president and Lenovo r51e battery seeing some of the new products coming out this spring, I have formed a tentative optimism. Particularly around one particular model: the Gentouch Lenovo 3000 y410 battery Espresso Doppio.

The Espresso also has a few other features that differentiate Lenovo 3000 c200 battery it from the U1. For instance, the tablet can access both operating systems whether its docked or in tablet only mode. That means you can use the keyboard with Android, something the U1 can’t Lenovo 3000 n200 battery do.

Though Augen didn’t commit to it, they did tell me that the IBM thinkpad t40 battery hardware configuration matches the specs required for Android 3.0. Unlike most major tablet makers, Augen isn’t waiting for Honeycomb. The release date is set for sometime IBM thinkpad t42 battery in April.

This tablet shares many of the features we saw around CES this year — 10.2-inch display, IBM thinkpad t43 battery Android 2.2, ARM processor, etc. — but the interesting part comes when you look at its other half, the Doppio base. Docking the tablet Sony Laptop Battery here essentially turns it into a netbook as it snaps into place above the keyboard like a traditional screen, and the whole unit opens and closes like a regular notebook. Does this sound familiar? It should. Because it’s the same basic concept and Lenovo/IBM Laptop Battery design that we saw on the Lenovo IdeaPad U1 Hybrid.

Unlike the U1, the Espresso’s base is not a computer in its own right. However, it’s not just a HP/Compaq Laptop Battery keyboard and extra ports, either. Inside there’s a battery that lasts 10 hours and a 160GB The storage device that holds Dell Laptop Battery your OS, programs, and data.
Learn Morehard drive. The tablet itself dual boots Android and Ubuntu. Having a desktop OS on the unit alongside the mobile OS has its good battery advantages. For instance, Android can’t access the hard drive, but Ubuntu can. And it’s easy to print from Ubuntu, whereas with Android that presario v3000 battery can be a challenge.

The Espresso Doppio was on display in Augen’s booth, but not presario v6000 battery for touching. Instead, it sat enshrined in glass at the center. We didn’t see it running software or even get a chance to touch it. So my excitement is only theoretical. The bottom line is that, right now, Augen is probably best known for the mistakes presario cq50 battery made around the Gentouch78 tablet. The company president did say that he listened to all the feedback and is determined not to make the hp compaq nc6400 battery same mistakes again.And I’ll be as happy as anyone if this turns out to be true.

•Getting a little bored of metal finishes? The 14-inch VAIO asus battery design concept, which could be a successor to the 14-inch EA series, sports a raical translucent plastic design that looks like it stepped off the set of Tron. The green and orange models on display use acrylic in a way that makes it look like certain areas of the fujitsu battery notebook are backlit. They’re not; it’s just the way the material plays with the light. Expect this futuristic-chip laptop to have a 2nd-gen Core processor toshiba battery under the hood.
•The 13-inch VAIO on display looks like a replacement for dell battery one of our favorite ultraportables, the VAIO Z. That’s because this notebook has a similar graphics switch above the keyboard. What makes this model different is that it can accommodate a sheet battery that doubles battery life. Plus, you can charge this battery acer laptop battery separately with its own adapter (see gallery). We also appreciate the enlarged touch buttons and touchpad, as well as the new USB 3.0 port. Sony apple laptop battery had a black model on display, but our eyes were drawn to the version decked out in gold on the inside and a checkered orange-and-black ibm laptop battey pattern on the lid

January 8th, 2011 by Brian Oliver Bennett We love action-packed tradeshow demos, and Corning didn’t disappoint with its Gorilla sony laptop battery Glass stress test at CES. The company’s industrially strengthened Gorilla glass product has made it into multiple mobile devices lately, including saus laptop battery a myriad of smart phones and tablets like the Motorola Droid and Droid 2, Samsung Galaxy S and Tab, plus HTC Nexus fujitsu laptop battery One just to name a few.

The Espresso Doppio, like a few of the other tablets Augen had on display, look good on paper. But a promising spec list doesn’t guarantee toshiba laptop battery an awesome product. Dare I hope that that this hybrid — due to arrive in stores by April — will at least approach usability? Does dell laptop battery Augen at least deserve a second chance?

【2011/01/10 13:19 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Lenovo x200 battery,Lenovo x200 battery

The multimedia DNA in the N53JF becomes apparent the minute you see the huge VGP-BPS13 speaker bar dominating the deck. A strip of chrome above the keyboard houses buttons for multimedia, power, VGP-BPS13 and more.

At 15.6 x 10.6 x 1.6 inches and 6.4 pounds, the N53JF is heavier than competing notebooks such as the Dell XPS 15 (6.1 pounds) VGP-BPS13A/B and Lenovo IdeaPad Y560d (6.2 pounds), but comes off as sleek because of its design. Just don't plan on traveling VGP-BPS13A/S with this laptop.

After playing a Hulu clip at full screen for 15 minutes we measured temperatures on the N53JF's VGP-BPS9/S touchpad (83 degrees), keyboard between the G&H keys (86 degrees), and the middle of the underside (88 degrees). All of these temperatures VGP-BPS9A/B are comfortably below the category average.

Keyboard and Touchpad
The N53JF features a new "wave" keyboard with large keys, along with a numberpad on the right. The latter's small size VGP-BPS9/B is fine for crunching numbers but might turn off gamers. While typing, the key feel was bouncy but slightly mushy, and we noticed VGP-BPS9 some flex.

A well-rounded entertainment notebook needs to deliver plenty of eye candy and back it up VGP-BPS8 with stellar sound. And that's exactly what the ASUS N53JF-XE1 does. This 15.6-inch laptop ($1,094 as configured) pairs a full HD display with VGP-BPS8A booming Bang & Olufsen speakers

. What about performance? The N53JF has you covered there, too, with a Core i5 processor and VGP-BPS2 Nvidia GeForce GT 425M graphics. We have a couple of complaints, but overall this machine kicks ass and looks good VGP-BPS2A doing it.

The ASUS N53JF is one of the few notebooks that utilizes a very limited palette (did you know there were this many VGP-BPS2B shades of gray?) yet manages to look stylish. The fine lines of the brushed metal lid lead gracefully to the slick little curve at the hinge, which adds a bit VGP-BPS2C of a wave to the deck. The palm rest is also made of metal, which gives the laptop a sturdy feel.

The 3.25 x 2.1-inch touchpad is a nice size (it VGP-BPS13A/Q could be bigger, given how much space there is on the deck), and has just the right amount of matte texture on the surface for smooth navigation. The single mouse bar beneath is not only a finger smudge magnet, but also marginally VGP-BPS13/B stiff.

Ports and Webcam
Never one to skimp on ports, ASUS packs in a few designed with the media maven in VGP-BPS13B/B mind. The HDMI 1.4 port is ready for the next generation of HD connectivity. And the USB 3.0 port next to it ensures you'll be able to take advantage VGP-BPS13B/Q of super speedy external drives and other enhanced peripherals down the line. You'll also find a USB/eSATA port, plus two more USB 2.0 ports, Ethernet, VGA, a 5-in-1 memory card slot, headphone, mic, and a VGP-BPS13/Q Blu-ray drive.

The 2-megapixel webcam above the display is just okay. The images it produced weren't the VGP-BPS22 sharpest, but while chatting on Skype our friend noted that the camera continually adjusted for different lighting as we moved around and didn't see VGP-BPS22A much blur.

Now that 15-inch notebooks are the new family PCs, you'll want a hub that can do it all: web surfing, word processing, VGP-BPS21A/B streaming movies, photo and video editing, and, yes, even gaming. The Samsung RF510 ($729 on VGP-BPS21/S Amazon

) answers the call for versatility by combining a Core i5 processor with discrete Nvidia VGP-BPS21 graphics, stylish looks, and a responsive keyboard. But is this 5.6-pound system really good enough to play demanding games or full HD VGP-BPS21A videos?

The N53JF sports a 15.6-inch, full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) glossy display that provides a gorgeous canvas for VGP-BPS21B Blu-ray movies and other 1080p content. When watching a Blu-ray of Iron Man we noted bright, popping colors and smooth action sequences. We noted good battery no pixelation or artifacts when transferring from light to dark scenes, and we appreciated the wide viewing angles. Glossy screens mean reflections, dell akku though, and ours proved somewhat distracting when watching flicks.

The real star of the multimedia experience are the huge Bang & Olfson speakers. They're backed by ASUS' SonicMaster technology, acer akku which allows users to customize audio output both on the speakers and when listening via headphones. The result is rich audio with a wide range that's apple akku well above the average notebook.

We compared N53JF with the Dell XPS 15, ibm akku which delivered the best notebook audio quality of all the notebooks we tested this year. When playing tracks with driving bass, such as "Pick U Up" by Adam Lambert or "Beautiful Dangerous" by Slash and Fergie, the XPS 15 was the clear winner. However, hp akku with tracks that soar upwards or rely heavily on acoustics, such as "Dryad's Promise" by Tricky Pixie or "Legions (War)" by Zoe Keating, the N53JF fared better. sony akku Overall, the XPS 15 has the best sound system, but the N53JF is a close second.

At 14.9 x 10.1 X 1.5 inches and 5.6 pounds, the RF510 is too bulky to carry around all day asus akku but light enough to move from the living room to the bedroom and then the kids' room in a flash. It's also noticeably lighter than the Dell XPS 15 fujitsu akku (6.1 pounds, 15 x 10.4 x 1.5 inches).

Though sized like a family PC, the Samsung RF510 has a sleek, black aesthetic that looks equally at home in the living room and toshiba akku the conference room. The glossy black lid, which resists most fingerprints, is emblazoned with a chrome Samsung logo and accented by chrome acer laptop akku hinges and chrome lines on the left and right sides. Though we like the ivory design

and curved shape of the less expensive Samsung SF510, apple laptop akku the RF510's sleek aethetic looks more professional.

The Samsung RF510 stayed pleasantly cool throughout our testing. Even after streaming video at full screen for 15 minutes, imb laptop akku the keyboard measured a temperate 92 degrees. The touchpad clocked in at a chilly 89 degrees, as did the middle bottom area. Those numbers hp laptop akku are excellent, because we consider anything below 95 degrees comfortable and anything below 90 degrees imperceptible. By comparison, the bottom sony laptop akku of the Dell XPS 15 reached a warm 102 degrees.

Once opened, the notebook looks even classier. A comfortable matte black palmrest sits below an island-style keyboard asus laptop akku with tastefully rounded keys and a chrome-colored background. Above the keyboard is a chrome button area with volume controls, fujitsu laptop akku Wi-Fi on/off, and power buttons with sci-fi blue lighting behind them. The subtle speaker holes that run across the entire width of the upper deck add to toshiba laptop akku the high-tech aesthetic. Even the screen bezel has a subtle dotted pattern that matches the speaker holes.

Keyboard and Touchpad
The RF510's island-style keyboard sports a numeric keypad and offers solid tactile feedback and a smooth key surface, dell laptop akku though it lacks a backlight. We scored our typical rate of 80 words per minute on the Ten Thumbs Typing Test, with a modest 2 percent error acer notebook akku rate.

The 3.5 x 2.3-inch touchpad has a pleasant matte surface apple notebook akku that allowed us to navigate around the desktop with great accuracy and execute pinch-to-zoom gestures smoothly. The notebook's discrete touchpad buttons offered just the right amount of feedback; that's a welcome improvement over ibm notebook akku the SF510's jerky clickpad.

【2011/01/07 15:10 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery,Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery

Inside, the dm1's black island-style keyboard and clickpad are offset by a silver deck and VGP-BPS13 bezel; it's understated yet stylish. Measuring 11.4 x 8.4 x 0.8 x 1.2 inches and weighing 3.4 pounds, the dm1 is nearly the same size and weight VGP-BPS9/S as the Asus Eee PC 1215N. As with that supersized netbook, the dm1 fits easily into a messenger bag, and while noticeable, it didn't weigh us down.

Keyboard and Touchpad
Like most other notebooks in HP's lineup, the dm1 has a chiclet-style keyboard that extends nearly to the edges of the chassis. Though the vgp-bps13/b keys don't have as much travel as, say, the Envy 17, it was still a pleasure to type this review on the laptop. We were up to our usual typing rate VGP-BPS13A/B in no time. HP thoughtfully reversed the function row keys; you don't have to press FN to adjust the volume or VGP-BPS9 brightness

The ASUS N53JF is one of the few notebooks that utilizes a very limited palette (did you know there VGP-BPS9/B were this many shades of gray?) yet manages to look stylish. The fine lines of the brushed metal lid lead gracefully to the slick little VGP-BPS9A/B curve at the hinge, which adds a bit of a wave to the deck. The palm rest is also made of metal, which gives the laptop a sturdy feel.

The multimedia DNA in the N53JF becomes apparent the minute you see the huge speaker bar dominating the deck. A strip vgp-bps8 of chrome above the keyboard houses buttons for multimedia, power, and more.

At 15.6 x 10.6 x 1.6 inches and 6.4 pounds, the N53JF is heavier than competing vgp-bps13b/q notebooks such as the Dell XPS 15 (6.1 pounds) and Lenovo IdeaPad Y560d (6.2 pounds), but comes off as sleek because of its design. Just don't plan vgp-bps13a/q on traveling with this laptop.

A well-rounded entertainment notebook needs to deliver plenty of eye candy and back it up with stellar sound. And that's exactly vgp-bps13/b what the ASUS N53JF-XE1 does. This 15.6-inch laptop ($1,094 as configured) pairs a full HD display with booming Bang & vgp-bps13/q Olufsen speakers

. What about performance? The N53JF has you covered there, too, with a Core i5 processor and VGP-BPS10 Nvidia GeForce GT 425M graphics. We have a couple of complaints, but overall this machine kicks ass and looks good VGP-BPS2A doing it.

The N53JF sports a 15.6-inch, full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) glossy display that provides a gorgeous canvas for Blu-ray movies VGP-BPS2C and other 1080p content. When watching a Blu-ray of Iron Man we noted bright, popping colors and smooth action VGP-BPS2 sequences. We noted no pixelation or artifacts when transferring from light to dark scenes, and we appreciated the wide viewing angles. Glossy screens mean reflections, though, and ours proved somewhat distracting when watching flicks.

The real star of the multimedia experience are the huge Bang & Olfson speakers. They're backed VGP-BPS2B by ASUS' SonicMaster technology, which allows users to customize audio output both on the speakers and when listening via headphones. PA3534U-1BRS The result is rich audio with a wide range that's well above the average notebook.

We compared N53JF with the Dell XPS 15, which delivered the best notebook audio quality of all the notebooks we tested VGP-BPS22 this year. When playing tracks with driving bass, such as "Pick U Up" by Adam Lambert or "Beautiful Dangerous" by Slash and Fergie, the XPS 15 was VGP-BPS22A the clear winner. However, with tracks that soar upwards or rely heavily on acoustics, such as "Dryad's Promise" by Tricky Pixie or "Legions (War)" by vgp-bps21a/b Zoe Keating, the N53JF fared better. Overall, the XPS 15 has the best sound system, but the N53JF is a close second.

After playing a Hulu clip at full screen for 15 minutes we measured temperatures on the N53JF's vgp-bps21 touchpad (83 degrees), keyboard between the G&H keys (86 degrees), and the middle of the underside (88 degrees). All of these temperatures vgp-bps21b are comfortably below the category average.

Keyboard and Touchpad
The N53JF features a new "wave" keyboard with large keys, along with a numberpad on the right. The latter's small size vgp-bps21/s is fine for crunching numbers but might turn off gamers. While typing, the key feel was bouncy but slightly mushy, and we noticed some vgp-bps21a flex.

The 3.25 x 2.1-inch touchpad is a nice size (it could be bigger, given how much space there Lenovo 3000 v100 battery is on the deck), and has just the right amount of matte texture on the surface for smooth navigation. The single mouse bar beneath is not only Lenovo 3000 v200 battery a finger smudge magnet, but also marginally stiff.

The Eee Pad Memo may be the baby of Asus’s new tablet family, but it’s still no slouch. It’s got a 1.2-GHz processor, Lenovo 3000 n100 battery capacitive touch screen, can be paired with a Bluetooth headset to use as a phone, and will run Android 3.0 when its released in June. IBM thinkpad X60S battery We managed to film the Memo up close and personal at Asus’s press suite, and we were impressed with the crispness of both its display and the Lenovo thinkpad x60 battery touch-based Painter app. We also liked that the Eee Pad Memo’s stylus had a malleable, rubber tip. Asus tells us that was necessary to help the touch screen better register the pressure of the pen’s touch, an important tool for the IBM thinkpad r60e battery Painter app.

Can’t get enough of the ASUS Eee Slate EP121? You’re in luck. The 12.1-inch slate just might Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery be the most enjoyable Windows 7 tablet we’ve seen. Why is that? Because it runs on an Intel Core i5 processor as opposed to the Lenovo thinkpad t60p battery simpler ARM or Qualcomm chips found in most other tablets. The more robust Intel chip helps the slender tablet run Windows 7 with promising performance. We played with Art Rage, the Eee Slate’s painting software for stylus and finger input, Lenovo thinkpad t60 battery as well as an install of the Flash game Plants vs. Aliens on video you can watch below. Both devices worked well, though not Lenovo thinkpad t61 battery completely perfectly.

While we were at it, we took notes on the hardware and Lenovo thinkpad t500 battery design. The Eee Pad Slate 121 is a tablet device, but it will ship with a Bluetooth keyboard. It also includes a stylus, HDMI output, Bluetooth 3.0, a 2MP camera, and a capacitive display with a 1280×800 resolution. Some of the Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad T410 Battery hardware highlights include a spring-loaded stylus dock, a dedicated Bluetooth pairing button for the keyboard, and another hardware button Lenovo thinkpad t400 battery to the right of the display that launches Aero Flip to slide between windows.

The Bluetooth keyboard is a point of concern though. It’s got a Lenovo thinkpad r61 battery deep curve that looks really slick on camera, but could prove annoying in real life. Just look at the N key to see what we mean.

Longer and skinnier than the same-size Galaxy Tab, the Memo feels a little off balance when you use it in landscape mode . Lenovo x200 battery That’s because one end of the device has a slight chin. Other than that small caveat, the Memo looked like a potentially strong entrant to the tablet race. Lenovo x300 battery Check out our brief hands-on to see a few glimpses of its Android UI (skinned with proprietary software called MyWave) and to catch some playing Lenovo r50e battery around in the Painter app

As you already know, the Dell Streak 7 tablet with Lenovo r51e battery 4G capability was announced earlier today. It’s running Android 2.2 with Dell’s Stage software over it and will be available with a traditional data plan or pre-paid plan on T-Mobile in the near future. The tablet is using Nvidia’s dual-core Tegra T2 processor, Lenovo 3000 y410 battery has a 5 MP camera on the back, 1.3 MP camera on the front, and uses Corning’s break-resistant Gorilla Glass for the display. Included on the Lenovo 3000 c200 battery Streak are several unique apps including T-Mobile TV, Zinio, and Brain Pop

Just because the once-hot netbook category is getting pushed Lenovo 3000 n200 battery aside by tablets, that doesn't mean consumers don't want a low-cost ultraportable that performs. And that's what HP has delivered with the new Pavilion dm1, an 11-inch notebook featuring AMD's new Fusion processor. Starting at $449 ($479 IBM thinkpad t40 battery as configured), this 3.4-pound machine blows past Atom-based netbooks while providing enough endurance to see you through the day. IBM thinkpad t42 battery Add to that a stylish design, excellent audio, and a comfy keyboard, and you've got a superior take-anywhere IBM thinkpad t43 battery laptop.

Also like the Envy line, the dm1's mouse buttons are integrated into the touchpad. This makes the Sony Laptop Battery overall size (3.3 x 2 inches) the same as the Eee PC 1215N, but that netbook has discrete buttons, making its touchpad feel much more Lenovo/IBM Laptop Battery spacious. In this case, though, HP integrated a small ridge to help define the two areas. Those who use two hands on a touchpad may find that the cursor jumps every now and then, but overall it works fairly well for this type HP/Compaq Laptop Battery of design.

Ports and Webcam
On the left side of the dm1 is an HDMI and a USB port. On the right are two more Dell Laptop Battery USB ports, VGA, a headphone/mic combo, and an SD card reader

Despite its small size, the dm1 is one of the coolest notebooks good battery we've yet tested. Employing HP's CoolSense technology--first seen on the dm3t--the dm1 has HP's Thermal Assistant software, which automatically adjusts the fan speed if it senses the notebook is on a person's lap or on a table. After presario v3000 battery streaming a Hulu video at full screen for 15 minutes, the touchpad, G and H keys, and underside measured 76, 78, and 77 degrees, respectively. However, presario v6000 battery fan noise was noticeable in a quiet room, and we could feel it whirring when we had our hands on the palm rests.

Similar in design to the Pavilion dm3t, the Pavilion presario cq50 battery dm1 is easily one of the most attractive 11-inch systems on the market. The glossy black lid features HP's new Grid Imprint design, which looks attractive, but fingerprint smudges are still visible. The underside is also a glossy black; we prefer the rubberized hp compaq nc6400 battery finish of the dm3t, but that notebook has a higher starting price.

【2011/01/07 15:05 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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