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【2025/03/16 02:16 】 |
Mit einem Gewicht von 860g und Ausmaßen

Mit einem Gewicht von 860g und Ausmaßen von 24 mm x 264 mm x 191 mm kommt man dem Acer Aspire 5710G Akku ursprünglichen Netbookgedanken wieder spürbar näher als dies bei der Konkurrenz in letzter Zeit der Fall ist. Acer Aspire 5710 Akku Insbesondere das sehr geringe Gewicht und das ultraflache Gehäuse überzeugen auf Anhieb. Dennoch muss man nicht auf ein 10,1“ Display und eine angenehm große Tastatur verzichten. Das komplett aus schwarz-braunem Kunststoff gefertigte Gehäuse verfügt VGP-BPS21A am Displaydeckel und um die Tastatur herum über eine rautenförmige Oberflächenstruktur, die dem Gerät eine angenehme und griffige Haptik beschert. VGP-BPS8a Einen billig wirkenden Eindruck kann dies aber nicht verhindern. Um das Display herum und am Unterboden ist das gleiche Material in einer glatteren vgp-bps8 Variante vorzufinden.

Eigentlich müsste das Toshiba AC100 konzeptbedingt auf kabellose Schnittstellen hin ausgelegt sein. Dennoch findet man nützliche Akku Sony VGP-BPS2B Ports die eine Menge Einsatzmöglichkeiten eröffnen. Highlight ist hierbei der HDMI-Port, der sowohl externe Monitore als auch VGP-BPS2 Flachbildfernseher ansteuern können soll. Wir haben das an einem Toshiba WLG 66 32“ Fernseher und einem NEC 19“ Monitor (DVI mit Akku Sony VGP-BPS2C HDMI-Adapter) getestet und keinerlei Probleme festgestellt. Auch die Audioausgabe funktionierte per HDMI am Fernseher. Des Weiteren findet man 1x USB 2.0, 1x Mini-USB, Kartenleser (SD, SDHC, MMC), Audioport (kombinierter in/out) und 1,3 MP VGP-BPS2A Webcam mit Mikrofon.

Ein milchiges und leicht unscharfes Bild liefert die eingebaute 1,3 MP Webcam die nur akku sony VGP-BPS9A/B für anspruchslose Videotelefonie taugt.
Eine Internetverbindung ist, wie bereits akku sony VGP-BPS9/S angesprochen, bei unserem Testmodell nur per W-LAN möglich. WWAN oder Netzwerkanschluss fehlen als mögliche Alternativen. Selbst Bluetooth hat man akku sony VGP-BPS9/B eingespart.

Zubehör/ Garantie

Auf der Herstellerseite sind derzeit weder Treiber noch Softwarekomponenten/ -aktualisierungen zu finden. akku sony VGP-BPS13 Nur das bereits auf dem Netbook befindliche Handbuch steht zum Download bereit. Auch der sonstige Lieferumfang ist mit Netzteil und 12 Monaten VGP-BPS10 Garantie eher spartanisch, aufgrund des günstigen Preises aber auch kaum verwunderlich. Weiteres Zubehör wird von Toshiba nicht VGP-BPS13A/B angeboten.

Über den „normalen“ USB-Anschluss lässt sich übliche Peripherie verwenden, während der Mini-USB Port dazu dient, das VGP-BPS9 AC100 an einen Desktop-PC oder ein Notebook anzubinden. Dort wird die 8 GB SSD dann als externes Laufwerk geführt und kann komfortabel VGP-BPS13A/S befüllt werden. Wir haben einige Dateien hin- und hergeschoben und dabei Transferraten von bis zu 14,8 MB/s ermittelt. Je kleiner die Dateien akku hp 2133 desto längere Wartezeiten muss man in kauf nehmen. Am regulären USB 2.0 Anschluss haben wir verschiedene Mäuse, Speicher-Sticks und Festplatten getestet. Ein OCZ ATV 4GB Stick wurde zwar als defekt angezeigt, ansonsten funktionierten nach der akku hp compaq nc6000 Erkennung alle angeschlossenen Geräte unproblematisch.

Die Tastatur erstreckt sich über die gesamte Gehäusebreite und bietet weitestgehend akku hp nx9420 normal große Tasten. Die sonst üblichen F-Tasten sind nicht vorhanden und beherbergen stattdessen lediglich Sonderfunktionen wie akku hp 550 Multimedia-Steuerung, Bildschirmhelligkeit oder Direktzugriff auf eMail, Webcam usw. Deutlich gewöhnungsbedürftiger könnte sich für viele User die Tastenanordnung links und rechts der Leertaste gestalten, da sich hier einige zusätzliche Tasten eingeschlichen haben. akku hp pb992a Ansonsten liegt die Tastatur fest auf, der Tastenanschlag ist angenehm leise und verfügt über einen kurzen Hub. Die Beschriftung ist kontraststark und akku hp compaq nx7400 die Symbole sind selbsterklärend.

Toshiba bietet derzeit zwei verschiedene Varianten akku hp 6910p des AC100 an. Das Einstiegsmodell (AC100-10K) ohne UMTS-Modem ist ab etwa 280,- Euro erhältlich und die Version mit WWAN-Modul (AC100-10V) liegt bei circa 340,- Euro. Warum Toshiba überhaupt das Einstiegsmodell in dieser Konfiguration akku hp compaq 6730b anbietet, ist uns nicht ganz ersichtlich, führt diese Ausstattung das eigentliche Konzept doch ad absurdum und beraubt das AC100 um die akku hp 6730s wesentliche Kerneigenschaft. Im Preisgefüge der Netbook-Konkurrenz ist das Toshiba AC100 am unteren Ende wiederzufinden und gehört akku hp 6735s damit zu den günstigeren Alternativen. Dennoch wird man von so manchem Modell ob mit oder ohne UMTS um 20,- bis 30,- Euro unterboten. Das Acer Aspire One ist beispielsweise für um die 250,- Euro erhältlich und der Asus Eee PC 1001P mit UMTS liegt akku hp compaq 6820s bei um die 300,- Euro und damit circa 10% günstiger als das Toshiba AC100-10V Internet akku hp 6720s Device.

Nachdem Toshiba offensichtlich den Netbook-Hype gehörig verschlafen hat und nur einen äußerst akku pavilion dv6500 geringen Marktanteil erstreiten konnte, gehört man nun zu den ersten Herstellern, die ARM-basierte Notebooksysteme am Markt akku hp pavilion dv6000 positionieren. Vorteile erhofft man sich zum einen, durch die energieeffiziente Technik besonders konsequente Produkte entwickeln zu können, und zum anderen, sich etwas von den großen Herstellern Intel und Microsoft zu lösen. Konkurrenz akku hp dv9000 belebt den Markt.

„Funktional wie ein Smartphone, bequem zu bedienen wie ein Netbook“ lautet die akku hp pavilion dv8000 Werbebotschaft auf Toshibas Produktseite zum AC100. Auffällig dabei ist vor allem die Tatsache, dass ein Telefonieren, was akku compaq evo n410c Samsungs Galaxy Tab oder Dells Streak können, schon mal nicht möglich ist. In diesem Punkt scheint man lediglich auf die Hardwareausstattung und weniger auf die tatsächlichen Eigenschaften abzuzielen. Für den Test haben wird das AC100-10K compaq evo n610c akku zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen, welches zudem keine mobile Breitbandverbindung herstellen kann.

Die Steifigkeit des Gehäuses ist insgesamt, trotz der dünnen Bauteile, recht ordentlich und akku v3000 lässt lediglich im Bereich der Handballenablage, ca. 0,4-0,8 mm dünn, beim Anfassen mit einer Hand an den äußeren Ecken leichte Verwindungen akku v6000 und dann auch ein leises „Knarzen“ hervorrufen. Die weitere Verarbeitung ist gut, Spaltmaße sind gleichmäßig und Bauteile passgenau eingelassen. Die sparsam verwendeten orangefarbenen Zierelemente lockern das Design angenehm auf, ohne zu aufdringlich akku cq50 zu wirken. Das Display wird von zwei Scharnieren optimal in Position gehalten, die auch im geschlossenen Zustand ihre Aufgabe gut erfüllen. Ein Öffnen akku hp nc6400 mit nur einer Hand ist deshalb, und aufgrund der Gewichtsverteilung am Unterboden, allerdings nicht möglich.

Der maximale Öffnungswinkel ist aufgrund der akku hp nc6120 Scharnierkonstruktion eingeschränkt und könnte je nach Sitzposition, beim Verwenden auf dem Schoß zum Beispiel, zu Beeinträchtigungen führen. Im Regelfall sollte dies jedoch kein Problem darstellen. Der Akku sitzt fest, zwei Arretierungen akku hp 6510b verhindern ein versehentliches Lösen. Ohne Akku leidet die Standsicherheit nicht, da vier Gummifüße fest am Chassis akku hp 6710b angebracht sind.

Das Touchpad ist ausreichend groß, verfügt über gute Gleiteigenschaften mit ansprechender akku hp 6715b Reaktionsfähigkeit. Der Bildlaufbereich funktioniert gut und lässt ein flüssiges Arbeiten zu. Die Touchpadtasten sind leichtgängig und im akku hp compaq 6715s Geräuschverhalten wie der Rest der Tastatur zurückhaltend.

Der im Toshiba AC100 verbaute Bildschirm enttäuscht. Zum Einsatz kommt hier ein WSVGA Trubrite Panel mit LED akku hp nx7300 Hintergrundbeleuchtung, welches über eine Auflösung von 1024x600 Bildpunkten verfügt. Touchscreen? Fehlanzeige! Eingaben per Stift oder Finger akku hp nx6125 sind nicht möglich. Genau das würde bei Android aber einiges vereinfachen. Schade!

Die von Smartphones bekannte Touchoberfläche Acer Notebook Akku auf dem Bildschirm fehlt aber und beraubt damit Android seines entscheidenden Bedienvorteils. Hier ist es erforderlich sich auf eine vermehrte Tastatur-Touchpad Kombination bei der Bedienung umzustellen, die zwar recht gut gelingt, aber an die Dell Notebook Akku Einfachheit der Fingerbedienung nicht herankommt.


Von den Eckdaten her entspricht es damit grundsätzlich dem üblichen Netbookniveau. HP/Compaq Notebook Akku Auch hier muss man im Vergleich zur WXGA/ XGA Auflösung auf 168 Bildpunkte in der Lenovo/IBM Notebook Akku Vertikalen verzichten, wodurch man öfter zum Scrollen genötigt wird, als dies bei den Standard-Notebook-Displays erforderlich ist. Die Punktdichte beträgt 118 dpi und ist damit als ergonomisch zu bezeichnen. Im Vergleich zu aktuellen Android- oder iOs-Smartphones, die meist 800x480 (iPhone 4: 960x640) Pixel darstellen, hat man hinsichtlich Darstellungsgröße und Desktopfläche natürlich einen Sony Notebook Akkus deutlichen Vorteil.

Für den Außeneinsatz ist dieses ansonsten äußerst mobile Gerät daher weniger geeignet, Bildinhalte sind nur schwer erkennbar akku und werden zudem durch Umgebungsobjekte überlagert. Für diesen Einsatzort muss man sich also besonders schattige Plätze suchen und vor allem eine direkte saus akkus Sonneneinstrahlung vermeiden.Im Toshiba AC100 kommt Nvidias Tegra 250 System-on-a-chip zum Einsatz, das laut Nvidia mit 500 mW Leistungsaufnahme toshiba akkus besonders sparsam zu Werke geht. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Chip, der insgesamt 8 Prozessoren auf dem Die beinhaltet. Neben zwei Cortex A9 Prozessoren, die mit 1 GHz arbeiten und die Hauptrechenleistung bereitstellen, gibt es ibm akkus zwei HD Video Prozessoren, einen fürs Encodieren und einen fürs Decodieren, einen Audio Prozessor, einen Bildverarbeitungsprozessor, einen Grafikprozessor und sony akkus einen ARM 7 für die Input/Output Steuerung. Die sonstige Ausstattung besteht im Wesentlichen aus 512 MB RAM onboard, einer 8 GB dell akkus embedded MultimediaCard und den bereits genannten Anschlüssen. Verfügbar vom 8GB großen Speicher sind etwa 5,5 GB, die man für Daten, Bilder, Videos usw. nutzen kann.

Leider hat man die Oberfläche der Anzeige nicht entspiegelt, was dazu führt, dass man ständig mit irritierenden apple akkus Spiegelbildern zurechtkommen muss. Je dunkler die Bildinhalte, desto stärker tritt dieser Nachteil zutage. Eine bedachte Sitzplatzwahl und Beachtung der acer akkus vorherrschenden Umgebungslichtsituation ist daher selbst in Innenräumen anzuraten. Minimieren könnte man diesen Umstand mit einer starken Hintergrundbeleuchtung,ibm akku die imstande ist solche Überlagerungen zu überstrahlen.

Das können wir beim AC100 jedoch nicht feststellen, da wir lediglich eine maximale Helligkeit von durchschnittlich sony akku 162 cd/m² gemessen haben. Eine ergonomische Helligkeitseinstellung, die meist bei etwa 130 cd/m² in Innenräumen liegt, ist daher kaum praktikabel, da man toshiba akku dazu neigt, die maximale Helligkeitsstufe auszuwählen. Das Panel liefert bei maximal aufgedrehter Helligkeit an unseren neun Messpunkten dell akku Werte von 142 cd/m² bis zu 172 cd/m². Das ergibt eine Ausleuchtung von 83 %.

An Eigenschaften sticht vor allem das Versprechen 1080p Videos flüssig wiedergeben zu können heraus. Das ist bei aktuellen saus akku Intel Atom Netbooks mit GMA 3150 immer noch nicht möglich und wäre ein entsprechender Mehrwert. Die grundsätzliche Fähigkeit auch HD Flash Videos acer akku wiedergeben zu können, wird dadurch verhindert, dass noch Android 2.1 als Betriebssystem zum Einsatz kommt, Flash aber erst ab Android 2.2 hp akku unterstützt wird.

Verstärkt wird der bisher wenig gute Eindruck durch das schlechte Kontrastverhältnis von 125:1. Schwarz ist apple akku eher grau, die Farben wirken flau und wenig gesättigt. Der Farbraum deckt subjektiv keinen größeren Bereich ab, als wir dies von Standard-Displays gewohnt sind fushitsu akku (also deutlich unter sRGB). Überprüfen konnten wir dies jedoch nicht, da unsere Colorimeter-Software nicht akku t410 androidtauglich ist.

Die Blickwinkelstabilität liegt wenig überraschend auf Konkurrenzniveau und schwächelt im vertikalen Bereich deutlich früher akku Lenovo t400 als im horizontalen. Bei Blickwinkeln von oben herab bleicht die Darstellung schnell aus und von unten herauf muss man mit starken Lenovo 3000 v100 akku Invertierungen zurechtkommen. Alles aber immer im gewohnten Umfang der meisten anderen Netbooks. Smartphone- oder Tablet-Displays Lenovo 3000 v200 akku haben nicht nur in diesem Punkt deutliche Vorteile.

Auf die üblichen Benchmarks müssen wir beim Toshiba AC100 verzichten, da diese alle nicht androidtauglich akku Lenovo 3000 n100 sind. Wir haben deshalb neben dem Sunspider Javascript Benchmark vor allem verschiedene Praxistests durchgeführt, die natürlich nur Lenovo 3000 n200 akku subjektiv beurteilbar sind.

Beim Sunspider Test mit Opera Mini haben wir Lenovo 3000 c200 akku über W-LAN ein Gesamtergebnis von 25300 ms erreicht und mit dem Dolfin Browser 8339 ms. Das zweite Ergebnis schlägt sogar Apples iPad, welches auf etwa 10000 ms kommt. Siehe dazu auch die Ergebnisse des Dell Streak, Lenovo 3000 y410 akku Samsung Galaxy Tab.

【2010/12/17 12:58 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
At first glance, the IdeaPad Z360's design appears pretty low-end

Measuring 12.9 x 8.6 x 1.3 inches and tipping the scales at a manageable 4.4 VGP-BPS13 pounds, the Z360 isn't the lightest laptop with a 13-inch screen, but it's fairly compact and slips into laptop bags easily.

At first glance, the IdeaPad Z360's design VGP-BPS13A/B appears pretty low-end. The laptop's chassis is molded from cheap-feeling black plastic with smoothly rounded edges. The lid flexes disconcertingly when pressed and its high-gloss surface picks up fingerprints easily. Covered with nine separate fan grilles and VGP-BPS13A/S split out into obvious upgrade compartments, the matte-black plastic undercarriage has much the same VGP-BPS9 budget feel.

Lenovo's IdeaPad Z360 provides nearly everything mobile users need in a compact package. VGP-BPS8 Weighing in at a fairly light 4.4 pounds, this 13.3-inch widescreen machine boasts a fantastically comfortable keyboard and touchpad, plus a VGP-BPS9A/B DVD burner (which is becoming a rarity). Still, the $749 IdeaPad Z360 does have a few weaknesses that may cause you to think twice before buying.

Lenovo supplies feather-touch buttons that put the Z360 in a number of modes--Autodetect, Movie, and Normal--depending VGP-BPS9/B on what type of computing you're doing. You can also toggle sound modes (on/off/mute) and Energy Management schemes VGP-BPS9/S here as well.

The IdeaPad Z360 stayed very cool VGP-BPS8A during our testing. After playing a Hulu video for 15 minutes at full-screen, the touchpad measured 88 degrees, the space between the G and H keys was 85, and the middle of the underside was just 90 degrees Fahrenheit. All are well below what we consider uncomfortable, VGP-BPS2 which is 95 degrees and higher.

Note: While our IdeaPad Z360 test unit came with a 2.27-GHz Intel Core i3-350M VGP-BPS2A processor, Lenovo offers it with a slightly faster 2.4-GHz i3-750 CPU for the same price.

The inside of the Z360 has a more premium VGP-BPS2B vibe, but it's still not great. The deck (though actually plastic) is clad in shiny metallic silver with plenty of curves, ridges, and softly edged indentations. A huge rolling speaker grate sits below the display and curls upward slightly. It's reminiscent of an art VGP-BPS2C deco radiator or a classic car grille, which you'll love or hate. Despite its faux-metallic construction, the Z360's silver deck doesn't feel that sturdy; it bends a bit VGP-BPS13A/Q when pressure is applied.

Keyboard and Touchpad
While the IdeaPad Z360's overall design may not be VGP-BPS13/B your cup of tea, we doubt many will take issue with its phenomenal keyboard. Featuring an island-style layout taken from Lenovo's ThinkPad Edge line, the keys are big and well-spaced, with a rough, non-slip surface. Even better, they are slightly concave VGP-BPS13B/B and make a pleasing clacking sound when tapped. All this makes typing on the Z360 a wonderful experience.

The Z360's stereo speakers pump out surprisingly good--but not very loud--audio. Located VGP-BPS13B/Q directly above the keyboard and equipped with Dolby sound technology, they provided a pleasingly open sound field and a little more bass than VGP-BPS13/Q your typical laptop.

Ports and Webcam
On the left side of the Z360 is Ethernet, VGA, one USB port, a USB/eSATA port, and a Kensington lock slot. Also on the left side VGP-BPS21A/B is an HDMI port for A/V output to HDTVs. On the right hand side are headphone and mic jacks, an additional USB port, and a tray-loading DVD VGP-BPS21/S burner. The front lip of the laptop features a 5-in-1 memory card reader and a physical switch to activate the system's VGP-BPS21 wireless radios.

The notebook's touchpad is pretty roomy (3.3 x 1.6 inches) and sports a finger-soothing textured surface. However, the pad's VGP-BPS21A mouse buttons, while discrete, are slightly mushy.

Display and Audio
The Z360's LED-backlit 13.3-inch widescreen display has a relatively standard 1366 x 768 VGP-BPS21B pixel resolution. Even so, the glossy screen did justice to our test materials. We observed pleasing contrast with deep blacks and good battery well-saturated colors in both DVD movies and Hulu videos. While two or three people could cluster around the notebook to watch content, brightness starts to drop quickly when the screen is viewed acer battery off-axis.

The Z360 comes with a 1.3-megapixel webcam that captured sharper video than other notebooks we've fushitsu akku recently tested, and it can track faces to make sure your mug stays in the frame. The webcam can also be controlled via the bundled hp akku CyberLink Webcam software, which lets you use avatars and insert amusing backgrounds and animated effects. Lenovo's VeriFace software allowed us to log into the notebook without typing a dell akku password

We wish that the software gave us more options for sorting or organizing books, such as user-defined saus akku collections, as the basic By Title/By Author/By Last Read options can be tedious to browse, especially with a large library. Since the Reader sony battery comes with 100 public domain books pre-loaded, this is an issue right out of the box. At least the software allows users to skip to the letter they want when sorted by title or ibm akku author.

Unfortunately, the Kobo Wireless still suffers from the sluggishness we noted with the previous version. apple akku We noticed the lag most when moving from different areas (such as from within a book to the Home screen) and we found ourselves pushing acer akku buttons more than once because we weren't sure the first press registered.

The ports remain the same; an SD card slot on top (up 32GB capacity), and a miniUSB port on the bottom for charging or fushistu battery connecting to a computer. The only small change is to the buttons that line the left edge of the device: Display has been replaced by Shop, which pops up a hp battery menu that takes users to the Kobo storefront screen or, if already in the store, offers further navigation options.

The only way to turn pages is with the D-Pad on the lower dell battery right side. Though the pad offered good spring and feedback, the setup kept us from holding the device in a way that felt natural. We much prefer eReaders with page turn buttons under both the left and right thumbs, as on the Kindle 3G or Nook. toshiba battery Since the Kobo Reader is so light, holding it by the bottom edges wasn't strenuous, but it also wasn't comfortable.

In less than a year, Kobo has made some major changes to its eReader. Shortly after Amazon saus battery and Barnes & Noble dropped the prices on their flagship devices, Kobo announced both a price drop and a new model with Wi-Fi connectivity. sony battery At $139, the Kobo Wireless is just as affordable as the Kindle and Nook, but it comes up short.

The updates to the Kobo Wireless are mostly internal, leaving the outer design much the same as the original. This is ibm battery a good thing, as we liked the original Kobo's slim profile--7.2 x 4.7 x 0.4 inches--and very light weight: just 7.8 ounces. The reader also retains the soft-touch, apple battery quilted back that makes it so comfortable to hold. One nice addition is a range of color choices beyond the original's white front and silver backing. Now acer battery customers can choose from all black (Onyx) or white with a lilac back.

Kobo has made a few tweaks to the software that runs the Reader, mostly having to do with the new functionality. Most functions fushitsu laptop akkus are only one or two button pushes away, which we appreciated. Within any screen, users can hit Menu for more options (including the Display hp laptop akkus functions, as they no longer have a dedicated button). The Menu also shows the battery life and Wi-Fi status at the dell laptop akkus bottom.

【2010/12/17 12:56 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
What would Amazon get out of this partnership

The Mac App Store was announced in late October at Apple’s Back to Mac VGP-BPS9/S event and was said to launch 90 days later, which would have been in late January. We heard rumblings last week that the store might launch before Christmas, VGP-BPS13A/B but clearly that’s not happening. Instead Apple will get a lot of buzz at this year’s CES, without having an actual presence there.

Keep in mind that in order to qualify, the startup’s product must have been introduced either in the 4th quarter VGP-BPS13 of 2010, or currently be in beta and expected to come to market sometime in 2011. Winners will be announced online the week of February 21st. Don’t be shy, let VGP-BPS9/B your voice be heard in the comments section below!

When Google CEO Eric Schmidt was asked recently VGP-BPS9 if he would consider acquisitions of web video companies, he said “You never say never. We’ve tried to not cross that line.” It looks like Google may have to. YouTube continues to be extremely popular, but Google has not moved quickly enough to VGP-BPS9A/B offer movies and TV shows on demand through this medium.

We expect this store to give us a taste of the look and feel of forthcoming Mac OSX Lion. VGP-BPS10 We haven’t heard much about what specific apps will be available, but hopefully Angry Birds will be one of them

Apple sent out official word today that the Mac App Store vgp-bps13b/q will have its grand opening on Thursday, January 6th, 2011– right in the midst of CES.

The new store will become available as a free software update to Snow Leopard (OSX 10.6). Much like the iOS App vgp-bps13a/q Store, the Mac App Store will feature free and paid programs in categories such as Education, Games, Graphics, and Utilities and updates to apps will come vgp-bps13/b from within the store itself.

We’re in the midst of planning and selecting entries for our vgp-bps13/q Mobile Startups Awards for 2011. We’ve got our eye on many really innovative new companies to watch in the upcoming year, but we want to make sure we don’t miss anyone. If you’ve got a great suggestion, we’d love to vgp-bps8 hear about it.

A recently rumored deal for Next New Networks would certainly help Google provide vgp-bps21a more original, viral content, but it’s not really the kind of stuff its customers are willing to pay for. Amazon already has a vast library of TV shows and vgp-bps21/s movies ready to order on demand, though it has yet to make the leap to mobile. Google could certainly help speed that along.

If there’s one thing the Google TV launch solidified, it’s that the king of search doesn’t have enough content (though I vgp-bps21b love the Kevin Bacon commercial). Same thing goes for Android phones. For all of its whiz-bang features, the latest Gingerbread OS is stale when it comes vgp-bps21 to offering premium video, music, and books out of the box. At the same time, industry watchers argue that Android phone owners have shied away sony vgp-bps21a/b from paid apps in the Android market because they don’t want to sign up for a Google Checkout account. What Google needs to compete with iTunes and iOS is a one-stop shop for content and one-click checkouts. That’s why it needs to strike pa3535u-1brs a deal with Amazon.

Google may add an all-you-eat-subscription service at a later date; apparently, a deal with the PA3534U-1BRS U.K.-based startup Spotify fell through. All of this seems like a lot of work when Amazon MP3 already works fine on today’s Android VGP-BPS2A phones (though the interface could certainly use polishing). Wouldn’t it be easier to add these features to Amazon’s existing service through a partnership?

Where Google now competes with Amazon is its new eBookstore, which Google positions as an open alternative to VGP-BPS2C Kindle’s ecosystem. It stocks three million titles, including a fair number of bestsellers, and works with not only Android and iPhone apps but also with VGP-BPS2 web browsers. Not coincidentally, Amazon recently announced that it would be launching a Kindle web app of its own. To me this VGP-BPS2B competition is just silly. Just hook up, already.

On the music front, we’ve been hearing rumors of a Google-branded service for ages. And just this week there were reports IBM thinkpad X60S battery that Google is forking over big wads of cash to the record labels to get its Music Locker service off the ground. The idea is that users would be Lenovo thinkpad x60 battery able to stream any music they own over the cloud to practically any connected device for a $25 annual fee. Google also IBM thinkpad r60e battery wants to sell tracks a la carte like iTunes and allow users to share music.

Between Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and Sony, the world doesn’t need another book store. Google needs—and consumers want—Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery an iTunes alternative that makes all the content and apps we want available in one place. And Amazon would give Google just that. Lenovo thinkpad t60p battery I’m not suggesting that Google purchase Amazon, just forge a strategic partnership where Amazon would be Google’s Lenovo thinkpad t60 battery preferred content partner. Hulu, Netflix, Rhapsody, and other content providers would still be able to flourish on Android devices, but Google would have a single content portal that received preferential Lenovo thinkpad t61 battery treatment.

What would Amazon get out of this partnership? More sales, of course, and more Lenovo thinkpad t500 battery customers to buy all sorts of other goods through the Amazon store. Amazon and Google could find other ways to partner, too. Lenovo thinkpad t400 battery How about long-pressing on a product while surfing the web on an Android phone to add it to your wishlist? I could also see visitors to Amazon’s site being able to add Android apps to their cart while purchasing a tablet Lenovo thinkpad r61 battery or phone.

Although Amazon is reportedly at work on its own Android tablet, Google needs more Lenovo x200 battery than a device from the maker of the Kindle. It needs to grow its ecosystem using a shortcut that’s right in front of its face. It’s called the Lenovo x300 battery Gamazon store.

For purchasing content—and premium apps in the Android Market—Google Checkout would get replaced by Amazon’s one-click ordering, Lenovo r50e battery which has millions of more customers who already have an account. When it comes to e-commerce transactions, comfort Lenovo r51e battery is king.

Editor-in-chief Mark Spoonauer directs LAPTOP’s Lenovo 3000 y410 battery online and print editorial content and has been covering mobile and wireless technology for over a decade. Each week Mark’s SpoonFed column provides his insights and analysis of the biggest mobile trends and news. You can also Lenovo 3000 c200 battery follow

The updates to the Kobo Wireless are mostly internal, leaving the outer design much the same Lenovo 3000 n200 battery as the original. This is a good thing, as we liked the original Kobo's slim profile--7.2 x 4.7 x 0.4 inches--and very light weight: just 7.8 ounces. Lenovo 3000 n100 battery The reader also retains the soft-touch, quilted back that makes it so comfortable to hold. One nice addition is a range of color choices beyond the original's white front and silver backing. Now customers can choose from all black (Onyx) Lenovo 3000 v200 battery or white with a lilac back.

The ports remain the same; an SD card slot on top (up 32GB capacity), and a miniUSB port on the Lenovo 3000 v100 battery bottom for charging or connecting to a computer. The only small change is to the buttons that line the left edge of the device: Display good battery has been replaced by Shop, which pops up a menu that takes users to the Kobo storefront screen or, if already in the store, offers further navigation options.

In anticipation of the upcoming holidays, we thought to ourselves, “What would be better than just one dell battery deal per day?” The obvious answer? Lots of deals! LogicBUY has helped us find deals on many of the notebooks and smart phones that toshiba battery our among our favorite gifts this year.

Today you’ll find savings on both the 11 and 13-inch models of the Apple MacBook Air, the Dell XPS 15 with either an Intel saus battery Core i5 or Core i7 processor, the spacious 17.3-inch Sony VAIO EC series with Blu-ray, and the Dell Inspiron 15. If there’s a smart phone aficionado on sony battery your list, you want to check out the deal for a free Droid X, Droid Incredible, Droid 2 Global, or Droid Pro. This deal even includes a free $25 gift card in addition to apple battery the free Droid

【2010/12/17 12:54 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Like the tablet category itself

Like the tablet category itself, the tablet accessory market is in its nascent stages, and Sony VGP-BPS9/B Battery companies are apt to get as much right as they do wrong. The $99 Zaggmate, like the similarly priced Kensington KeyFolio, is a perfect example. Sony VGP-BPS9/S Battery While we like the Zaggmate's sleek and sturdy design, not to mention its responsive keys, we were put off by the fact that you can't use this combo securely in your lap, and that the layout feels cramped. Although our hunt for the ideal iPad keyboard Sony VGP-BPS9A/B Battery continues, the Zaggmate gets the job done

Typing Experience
Unlike the KeyFolio, the Zaggmate's keys are not covered in a rubber membrane. It's more like a traditional Sony VGP-BPS9 Battery keyboard, which made this layout easier to type on. The keys were responsive and snappy, not to mention in the right Sony VGP-BPS13 battery place. However, the keys are smaller than those found on a typical netbook.

Ever since HP purchased Palm and its webOS software, we’ve been salivating over the thought of a webOS tablet. HP had Sony VGP-BPS13A/B Battery previously given the non-committal “early 2011″ as the date for its release, but now an analyst has given a more specific date: March. Toshiba PA3534U-1BRS Battery Keith Bachman with BMO Markets just returned from meetings with several tech companies in East Asia and released toshiba pa3535u-1brs battery the information during a call to investors yesterday.

As part of the ongoing Brigade Combat Team Modernization Program, the Army plans to supply smart phones, network equipment, sony vgp-bps8 battery and applications to soldiers starting in February. There are also plans to provide Common Access Card readers for the iPhone in January Sony VGP-BPS10 Battery and for Android in April.

In addition to receiving free smart phones, Sony VGP-BPS2A Battery soldiers could also receive a monthly stipend to use for minutes and downloading apps. Mike McCarthy, director of the mission command complex of Future Force Integration Directorate at Fort Bliss, says the Army is also interested in the iPad, Kindle, Sony VGP-BPS2C Battery Nook, and mini-projectors for their potential usefulness to troops.

While dates like these are known to change, this is the first time we’ve heard an exact date from Sony VGP-BPS2 Battery anyone regarding a webOS tablet. It’s worth noting that HP is not going to have a booth presence on the floor at the Consumer Sony VGP-BPS2B Battery Electronics Show (CES) in early January, which could indicate that the PalmPad won’t debut where Jon Rubinstein introduced the world to the original Palm Pre back vgp-bps21a battery in 2009

In prior months, Android had been growing at a much larger clip, suggesting that the OS has begun to plateau. This seems unlikely, vgp-bps21/s battery however, and instead could be the result of aggressive moves by Apple and RIM. Apple has spread to new markets in the last month and vgp-bps21b battery likely added millions of new units during Black Friday, while RIM has been heavily promoting the Torch and the recently released vgp-bps21 battery Style devices.

Also notable, Android applications now account for more than 54 percent of Millennial’s revenue, increasing at least 10 percent sony vgp-bps21a/b battery for the last 4 months. So while its nice to increase one’s share of the impressions, the ultimate goal is to create revenue; it looks like Lenovo 3000 n100 battery the Android Army is charging full steam ahead

These teched-out plans signify the Army’s Lenovo 3000 v100 battery interest in smart phones and other gadgets for use in both training and fighting. Currently, troops at a variety of stateside locations are issued smart phones to assist with their training, though integration on the battlefield has yet to take place. Army officials sony vgp-bps13a/q battery envision mobile phones playing an important role in both sharing intelligence and collecting biometrics on enemy sony vgp-bps13/b battery combatants

According Millennial Media, the third largest sony vgp-bps13/q battery mobile advertising network in the U.S., Android and iOS devices are locked in a close battle for the top OS on its network. During November, Android and iOS each garnered 38 percent of the market (based on impressions), up one percent from October. sony vgp-bps13b/q battery Coming in third was RIM, with 19 percent.

At first glance, the Nexus S looks very similar to Samsung's Galaxy S phones, but when you pick it up Lenovo 3000 v200 battery you notice that it has a slightly curved shape. Samsung calls this a Contour Display, which is supposed to give the device a Lenovo 3000 n200 battery better feel in your hand and against your face. We didn't notice much of an ergonomic improvement, but we have to admit that's it's a nifty aesthetic touch.

The iPad Bluetooth keyboard/case race is starting to heat up. The newest entrant, the Zaggmate, features a sturdy aircraft-grade Lenovo 3000 c200 battery aluminum shell, responsive keys, and a thin and light design. But is this $99 accessory worth the effort it takes to use?

Instead of completely enveloping the iPad, the Zaggmate is designed to cover just the screen Lenovo 3000 y410 battery when stowed. When traveling, simply insert the iPad, face-down into the case. As it's the same color as the iPad, it looks like you're carrying Lenovo r51e battery around a hunk of aluminum. Just keep in mind that this case doesn't protect the back of Apple's tablet.

In order to use the keyboard, you must pry the iPad out of the case, lift open the plastic tab and bring it forward, then rest the Lenovo r50e battery iPad vertically in a slot above the keyboard. That's a pretty lengthy process just to use a physical keyboard. You can use this accessory in your lap, but Lenovo x300 battery the whole thing bounced around as we typed; the Zaggmate just doesn't feel secure when not being used on a Lenovo x200 battery desk.

Design and Setup
The Zaggmate is barely larger than the iPad itself, and at 12.8 ounces, is about 4 ounces lighter than the KeyFolio. You'd be surprised,Lenovo thinkpad r61 battery but that makes a lot of difference. The device has a power switch and a Bluetooth button for easy pairing. A small microUSB port on Lenovo thinkpad t400 battery the left side is used to recharge the device.

Keyboard Features
Like the Kensington Keyfolio, we liked that the Lenovo thinkpad t500 battery Zaggmate reversed the function keys and let us perform tasks, such as controlling the volume, without having to press the Fn key first. Other useful shortcuts include buttons to launch a slideshow, Search, and return to the Lenovo thinkpad t61 battery Home screen.

Unfortunately, our fingers brushed up against the metal case when pressing keys positioned Lenovo thinkpad t60 battery on the outer edges of the keyboard (such as the Fn, Control, and arrow keys). You'll definitely make some errors until you Lenovo thinkpad t60p battery get the hand of the layout.

Zagg says that the Zaggmate should last several weeks without Lenovo thinkpad r60 battery charging.

Despite the fact that this black glossy phone is all plastic, the 4.5-ounce Nexus S feels solid. IBM thinkpad r60e battery It sports a welcome ridge on the back side toward the bottom that makes the device easier to grip. Just beware of fingerprint smudges. Lenovo thinkpad x60 battery A volume rocker lines the left side of the device, and the right side houses the power button. We would have preferred a camera launch/shutter button as well. Some might wish that the headphone jack were located on top, but we IBM thinkpad X60S battery don't mind that it's on the bottom with the microUSB port.

The updates to the Kobo Wireless are mostly internal, leaving the outer design much the same IBM thinkpad t40 battery as the original. This is a good thing, as we liked the original Kobo's slim profile--7.2 x 4.7 x 0.4 inches--and very light weight: just IBM thinkpad t42 battery 7.8 ounces. The reader also retains the soft-touch, quilted back that makes it so comfortable to hold. One nice addition is a range of color choices beyond the original's white front and silver backing. Now customers can choose from all good battery black (Onyx) or white with a lilac back.

【2010/12/15 14:28 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
Google provides a total of five home screens

Google provides a total of five home screens, which you can easily customize Sony VGP-BPS9 Battery with widgets. We also like the new selection of live animated wallpapers, including the trippy and colorful Microbes. We'd like to see the ability to Sony VGP-BPS9A/B Battery toggle the Wi-Fi, 3G, and other wireless connections right from the notification area, like you can with Galaxy S phones.

Sony VGP-BPS13 Battery Keyboard
One of the best features of Android 2.3 is the new keyboard design. Although the letters themselves are smaller, the increased Sony VGP-BPS9/B Battery space between the keys and improved multitouch support allowed us to enter text faster and more accurately on the Nexus S than Sony VGP-BPS9/S Battery on most other Android phones. We found ourselves turning the phone sideways to use landscape mode less often, which is a Sony VGP-BPS8A Battery testament to how good the typing experience is

On the more practical side, you can now manage applications more easily just by clicking the Menu button from the home screen. Sony VGP-BPS8 Battery From there you can see what's running and stop any resource-hungry apps. If you want to drill deeper and see which apps are using the Sony VGP-BPS2 Battery most power, the retooled battery use utility provides a neat visual readout with a graph and Sony VGP-BPS2A Battery percentages.

Google has also tweaked the suggested word area so that the options are easier to read and select. Plus, you can enter numbers and other special Sony VGP-BPS2B Battery characters just by long pressing one of the keys in the top row and then sliding your finger to the desired choice. Same thing Sony VGP-BPS2C Battery goes with the punctuation key.

Copy and Paste
Google has done a nice job revamping text selection Sony VGP-BPS21A/B Battery within Android 2.3, but its implementation isn't consistent throughout the OS. In the web browser, pressing and holding on the screen launches an improved text selection tool with two markers you can easily drag. Clicking again copies the text to the Sony VGP-BPS21/S Battery clipboard. Too bad you can't select text using this method when reading an e-mail; you need to click Reply before the markers show up. Sony VGP-BPS21 Battery In the Messaging app, the markers don't show up at all; you have to select the menu button and then hit Copy Message Sony VGP-BPS21A Battery Text.

Android OS 2.3 and Interface
Google wants the world to know that it has paid great attention to detail with its new software, and it shows. For example, the modern-looking Sony VGP-BPS21B Battery signal strength meter turns white when your Google account info isn't in sync and back to green when it does. When you get to the end Sony VGP-BPS13A/Q Battery of a menu or web page, you'll see a glowing orange bar that serves as a visual cue. And both the notification bar and Sony VGP-BPS13A/B Battery dialer are now done up in a sleeker black, which saves battery life. We especially like how the screen zaps off like an old-school TV when you press the power button or the display times out.

In less than a year, Kobo has made some major changes to its eReader. Shortly after Amazon and Barnes & Noble dropped the prices Sony VGP-BPS13/B Battery on their flagship devices, Kobo announced both a price drop and a new model with Wi-Fi connectivity. At $139, the Kobo Sony VGP-BPS13B/B Battery Wireless is just as affordable as the Kindle and Nook, but it comes up short.

The ports remain the same; an SD card slot on Sony VGP-BPS13B/Q Battery top (up 32GB capacity), and a miniUSB port on the bottom for charging or connecting to a computer. The only small change is to the buttons that line the left edge of the device: Display has been replaced by Shop, which pops up a menu that takes users to Sony VGP-BPS13A/S Battery the Kobo storefront screen or, if already in the store, offers further navigation Sony VGP-BPS13/Q Battery options.

The only way to turn pages is with the D-Pad on the lower right side. Though the pad offered good battery spring and feedback, the setup kept us from holding the device in a way that felt natural. We much prefer eReaders with page turn toshiba laptop akku buttons under both the left and right thumbs, as on the Kindle 3G or Nook. Since the Kobo Reader is so light, holding it by the bottom edges wasn't strenuous, but it also wasn't comfortable.

The updates to the Kobo Wireless are mostly internal, leaving the outer design much the same as the original. This is a good thing, dell laptop akku as we liked the original Kobo's slim profile--7.2 x 4.7 x 0.4 inches--and very light weight: just 7.8 ounces. The reader also retains the soft-touch, acer notebook akku quilted back that makes it so comfortable to hold. One nice addition is a range of color choices beyond the original's white front apple notebook akku nd silver backing. Now customers can choose from all black (Onyx) or white with a lilac back.

We wish that the software gave us more options for sorting or organizing books, such as user-defined collections, as the basic By Title/By ibm notebook akku Author/By Last Read options can be tedious to browse, especially with a large library. Since the Reader comes with 100 public hp notebook akku domain books pre-loaded, this is an issue right out of the box. At least the software allows users to skip to the letter they want when sony notebook akku sorted by title or author.

Unfortunately, the Kobo Wireless still suffers from the sluggishness we noted with the previous version. We noticed the lag most when moving asus notebook akku from different areas (such as from within a book to the Home screen) and we found ourselves pushing buttons more than once fujitsu notebook akku because we weren't sure the first press registered.

Kobo has made a few tweaks to the software that runs the toshiba notebook akku Reader, mostly having to do with the new functionality. Most functions are only one or two button pushes away, which we appreciated. Within any screen, users can hit Menu for more options (including the Display functions, as they no longer have a dedicated button).dell notebook akku The Menu also shows the battery life and Wi-Fi status at the bottom.

Gone is the awkward Bluetooth-to-BlackBerry connectivity of the original Kobo Reader, replaced by acer battery 802.11 b/g wireless. Though it's limited to one function--accessing the store--and doesn't offer any other benefits such as web apple battery browsing, at least owners can buy and download books without having to connect to their computers.

The first time users access the Store on the Kobo Wireless, they're prompted to enable the wireless radio and connect to a network. ibm battery This process doesn't take that long, but it forces you to step through several screens when it could just involve hp battery one.

Once we actually got to the Store, the experience was mostly straightforward. Kobo has more sony battery than 2.2 million paid and free titles available through its online store, with New York Times best sellers starting at $9.99.

New to the store is the addition of periodicals. asus battery Currently, there are only 13 newspapers and 13 magazines, including The New York Times, The Vancouver Sun, Reason Magazine, and The Nation.

The Reader is also able to access eBooks from Borders Books natively as that bookseller utilizes Kobo's catalog and software. fujitsu battery Due to its support of the ePub and PDF formats, users can buy eBooks from other stores and public library systems that sell/loan books in these formats toshiba battery that utilize Adobe's DRM technology.

If the device falls asleep or the user turns it off, the dell battery Wi-Fi turns off and doesn't come back on automatically when you turn the device on again. Instead of assuming you want to turn the wireless on and connect to a known network when you choose "Shop Now," the Reader makes users go through each step acer laptop battery every time.

When Google pulled the plug on the acclaimed Nexus One, it was only getting out of the game apple laptop battery of selling phones itself. The concept of a pure Android experience lives on in the Samsung Nexus S ($199 at Best Buy with a two-year ibm laptop battey T-Mobile contract), a smart phone that combines a head-turning curved display with Google's new Android 2.3 software. Codenamed Gingerbread, this OS packs plenty of enhancements, including a faster multitouch keyboard, improved cut and paste, sony laptop battery and interface tweaks that add up to a more polished experience. Plus, the Nexus S has an NFC chip built in, which will let users instantly look up or saus laptop battery exchange information with a tap. But is this enough to crown this handset the new king of Android phones?

Despite the fact that this black glossy phone is all plastic, the 4.5-ounce Nexus S feels fujitsu laptop battery solid. It sports a welcome ridge on the back side toward the bottom that makes the device easier to grip. Just beware of fingerprint toshiba laptop battery smudges. A volume rocker lines the left side of the device, and the right side houses the power button. We would have preferred a camera launch/shutter button as well. Some might wish that the headphone jack were located on top, but we don't mind that it's dell laptop battery on the bottom with the microUSB port.

Four capacitive buttons sit beneath the eye-popping, 4-inch Super AMOLED display acer notebook battery (800 x 480 pixels). From right to left, there's Back, Menu, Search, and Home. While responsive, these buttons aren't easy to make apple notebook battery out when you're outdoors. The display itself is just as brilliant and rich as the panels found on Galaxy S phones.

At first glance, the Nexus S looks very similar to Samsung's Galaxy S phones, but when you pick it up you notice that it has a slightly ibm notebook battey curved shape. Samsung calls this a Contour Display, which is supposed to give the device a better feel in your hand and against your face. We sony notebook battery didn't notice much of an ergonomic improvement, but we have to admit that's it's a nifty aesthetic fujitsu notebook battery touch.

The Nexus S sports two cameras: A 5-megapixel saus notebook battery shooter with LED flash sits on the back, while a front-facing VGA camera rests above the display to the right of the earpiece.


【2010/12/15 13:16 】 | 未選択 | 有り難いご意見(0) | トラックバック()
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